Thursday, August 30, 2012

For Pain Sufferers: An Atlas Adjustment?

I guess I am very late to this stage of the game, considering the amount of national press that the "Atlas Oorthogonal" has already received from shows like "The Doctors" and other high profile celebrities.  This 4 ounce bone that sits at the top of our spinal column and holds our head in position, called the "Atlas" after the greek God Atlas who held the weight of the world on his shoulders, is being regarded as the only adjustment you need to properly align your entire body and relieve chronic pain, fibromyalgia, migraines, asthma, and numerous other diseases.

As I cannot endorse this from personal experience, there seems to be an enormous growing community bringing awareness to it.  Once such non-profit organization, comprised entirely of patients, is called which has a directory to local doctors performing this procedure.  Below is a video from one of the doctors websites.  If you are interested, there is another video with archival footage on youtube of the most aggressive and violent adjustment I have ever seen!  Apparently, their not using that technique anymore, so I won't post it to scare everyone.

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