Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Elder Care

  Ugh! If  just thinking about word "Elder care" has you turning gray, take a deep breath.

  Since 2008, I have met with hundreds of adult children, grandchildren, spouses, friends, nieces, nephews and siblings of someone in need of elder care.  Every one of them was stressed.

  Many were stressed to the point of tears because their best efforts were not working.  But guilt and frustration became comical when I asked them to step back and look at the big picture of what they are asking of themselves.

 One person trying to provide 24 hour care for another person is impossible. It  isn't a "one-person" job.
   Think of all the offers of help that come in when a new mom has a baby.  We worry that she's not getting enough rest with the frequent feedings and diaper changes.  We bring food and babysitting offers to help her through the rough months.

   Take that new mom (or dad) age her by 30 yrs, so she may be dealing with her own health problems. Then make that new baby a fully grown adult with "new baby" needs.  Add a second baby (another parent) and add the ability to argue with, throw guilt at, and walk (or drive!) away from you.  Do you seriously think you should be able to handle elder care alone?

  The word itself can mean so much.  A search of elder care on the web can send you into more confusion.  Decide what it is that you need.

  Before you search, ask yourself a few questions.

  What is the primary need?  Think of the toughest part of the day.  Do you lie awake, worrying about falls on the way to the bathroom, or, with dementia, wandering?  Maybe it's the morning hours. It's hard enough  to get yourself up, bathed, dressed, and fed, let alone another person or two.
The day might be more manageable if you can sleep at night.  Or the night might be more tolerable if you know help is coming in the morning.  When do you most need a break?

  What is your greatest concern? Identify what you worry about most. If you live out of town, you might feel better having someone "visit" and report back to you.

  What would be ideal?  If it doesn't involve a magic wand or a time machine, you can probably come close to ideal.  (By the way, "ideal" is not one person 24 hours a day.  Live-in care can invite more problems than you have right now.)

  When your need for  "elder care" is broken down to specific needs, your are more likely to find what you need with less frustration (and no tears!).

  I invite you to call me, or anyone of us at Hanson Services for help identifying your needs.


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