Tuesday, July 31, 2012

11 Habits that will help you live to 100

This is an article that was published in US News, where researchers have discovered that centenarians tend to share certain traits in how they eat, move about, and deal with stress.  The idea?  We emulate the behavior, and we might live to see the same results!

1. Don't Retire
"Evidence shows that in societies where people stop working abruptly, the incidence of obesity and chronic diseases skyrockets after retirement." - Luigi Ferruci, Director of The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging

2. Floss Every Day
Excess bacteria in the mouth is thought to enter the bloodstream and trigger inflammation in the arteries, a major risk for heart disease.

3. Move Around
'Exercise is the only real fountain of youth that exists" says Jay Olshansky, professor of medicine and aging researcher at University of Illinois at Chicago

4. Eat A Fiber Rich Cereal For Breakfast
Yep.  Getting a serving of whole grains, especially in the morning, appears to help older adults maintain better blood sugar levels throughout the day.

5. Get At Least 6 Hours Of Shut Eye
"Sleep is one of the most important functions our body uses to regulate and heal cells"

6. Consume Whole Foods, Not Supplements
We've heard this a million times.  There is strong evidence that suggests that people who have high blood levels of certain nutrients - selenium, beta-carotene, vitamins C and E - age much better and have a slower rate of cognitive decline.  Unfortunately, there is no evidence that taking pills with these nutrients provides those anti-aging benefits.

7. Be Less Neurotic
There is a new study coming out that shows centenarians tend to not internalize things and dwell on their problems. Meditation?

8. Live Like A Seventh Day Aventist
Americans who identify themselves as Seventh Day Aventist have an average life expectancy of 89, about a decade longer than the average American. They abstain from alcohol, smoking, and overindulgence in sweets.  They stick to a relatively vegetarian diet, get plenty of exercise, and fast once a week.

9. Be A Creature Of Habit
Centenarians tend to live by strict routines, eating the same kind of diet and doing the same kinds of activities their whole lives.  Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day is another good habit to keep your body in steady equilibrium that can be easily disrupted as you get on in years.

10. Stay Connected
Having regular social contacts with friends and loved ones is key to avoiding depression, which can lead to premature death, something that's particularly prevalent in elderly widows and widowers.  Some psychologists believe that the biggest benefits elderly folks get from exercise is the strong social interaction that comes from walking with a buddy or taking an exercise class.

11. Be Conscientious
The strongest personality predictor of a long life is conscientiousness - that is, being prudent, persistent and well organized, according to The Longevity Project, coauthored by Howard Friedman and Leslie Martin.  The book describes a study that followed 1,500 children for eight decades, collecting exhaustive details about their personal histories, health, activities, beliefs, attitudes and families. The children who were prudent and dependable lived the longest.  They also were likelier to report happier marriages and more satisfying work lives.

You can view the original article HERE

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